Spaced repetition
Writing good cards
Andys working notes suggest that good SRS prompts have the following qualities:
- access an idea from multiple angles
- capture one precise think (likely reflective of “Chunks” in human cognition)
- avoid unintentional ambiguity
- are concise
- get to what really matters about the topic, not just what’s easy to memorize
Even more detail from his page on What makes good SRS prompts:
- Spaced repetition memory prompts should be concise
- Spaced repetition memory prompts should usually focus on one idea
- Spaced repetition memory prompts should encode ideas from multiple angles
- Spaced repetition memory prompts should connect and relate ideas
- Avoid orphan spaced repetition memory prompts
- Spaced repetition memory prompts should ensure reviewers must retrieve answers from memory
- Avoid yes-no spaced repetition memory prompts
- Spaced repetition memory prompts should be written to discourage shallow “pattern matching”