This page includes notes from my personal wiki. Page topics vary wildly, and generally serve as informal collections of knowledge that I anticipate being useful at some point in the future.
ranger kitty CLI tools Database management systems reMarkable rsync ssh xargs Functional launchd date Roulette Flask gunicorn Cold brew USC Stock market Mathematics Statistics Scripting HTML Variational inference Graphical model Epigenetics Hedge fund Implicit surface Conditional generation Wave-particle duality Semantic versioning SQL Simulated annealing Unsupervised learning Bayesian optimization Metaheuristic Fediverse promnesia curl Webmention Homebrew Oxford Pandas Memory models Microeconomics Hypothesis testing Integration Macroeconomics Discrete mathematics Linear algebra Multivariate calculus Numpy Propositional logic Naive Bayes Computer vision C++ Retrocausality Kavkas toxin puzzle NeurIPS Newcombs paradox Gaussian process Cornell Fourier transform University of Michigan Linear functional Hugging Face Function space node.js Eugenics Meta-learning zsh Differential environments Georgia Tech Google Brain One-shot learning Multi-armed bandit Active learning Intractable likelihood functions Mixture density networks SBI research Regression toward the mean Law of the unconscious statistician Change of variables Differential programming D flatpak Carcinisation Anki Pieter Abbeel UC Berkeley Augur nmap Org-mode Emacs youtube-dl Synthetic data Network tools Streisand effect Betteridge's law of headlines Algolia Hamiltonian neural network Dan Luu Kaluza-Klein theory Pillow Facebook AI Seaborn Jupyter lab Gen (probabilistic programming language) Mixture model Probabilistic programming Probability theory Cloudflare Metropolis-Hastings algorithm Markov chain Monte Carlo Mathematical optimization Snap Numerical integration Probability distribution MySQL Firewall Facebook ufw BackBlaze Artificial intelligence French press Custom server PostgreSQL systemd OSS Feedly Frequentist inference Bayesian inference Internet Firefox regex CSS Rust Deepmind Java CircleCI Simulation-based inference OpenWRT StackOverflow Backup data system Aphantasia Vortexgear Race 3 Neuralink LMMS DigitalOcean Jinja staticjinja fork Robinhood Nextcloud KaTeX vim-fugitive Git Sound design Ubuntu Procrastination OOP Multi-agent reinforcement learning Mr. Robot WUSTL Intermittent fasting Technical interviews Inverse imaging Carnegie Mellon MIT GPT-2 Goodhart's law coc.nvim Linux MacVim wiki.vim fork Obsidian Liminal space Peter Thiel beepb00p David Hilbert Manifold Bundle Graph (function) Tesla Central limit theorem Eric Weinstein Standard model Neovim MacOS Options Ultisnips Anonymity Pocket Github Economics Tasknote PyTorch English Chernoff face Ghoti Fugue String theory General theory of relativity Hacker News Multi-agent systems Evolutionary algorithms Gwern Syncthing Pi-hole SEO Google Game of life PageRank Google searching Alacritty Web assembly RAID Chess OpenAI AlphaGo Logistic map Stochastic calculus Phase space Dynamical systems Space Project list Overton window Law of triviality Personal systems Inbox zero Subvocal recognition Spaced repetition NVIDIA Category theory Abstract algebra John von Neumann Boids Common descent LessWrong Thousand Brains Theory Notion Emergence Golang bullets-vim Differential privacy wikivim Log Group theory Calabi–Yau manifold Generalized linear models Monte Carlo methods Gibbs sampling Stan Q-learning Particle filtering Deep Q-learning Attention Stabilizing the Economy: The Role of the Fed Chestertons fence Machine learning Deep learning Generative models Probabilistic epigenesis Nudge theory Bayesian statistics Empirical Bayes Markdown Bayesian hierarchical models Beamer class Pandoc Computational equivalence Complex systems Computational irreducibility Short run spending and output Short-term economic fluctuations Financial markets and capital flows Jordan Peterson Prices law Javascript D3.js Twilight Zone Cellular automata Roam research Zathura manim Thoughts Bash The New System ripgrep Vimscript Zettelkasten Vimwiki Wikipedia fzf bat Vim Matthewsism Saving and capital formation Financial system, money, and prices Peto's paradox Reinforcement learning Labor market and unemployment Markov decision process Economic growth, productivity, and living standards Constraint satisfaction problems Expectimax Terminal config Measuring price level and inflation Adversarial search openssl Measuring economic activity Uninformed search Random variables Python Informed search Taskwiki Taskwarrior Pelican Apache Transmission NGINX make Gnome customization dpkg Netdata OpenVPN Decision theory LaTeX TikZ Algebra Computer simulation Measure Theory Physics Number theory Game theory Procedural generation UI design Learning theory Programming languages Differential equation Web development Information theory Data science Combinatorics Set theory