
Easy automatic lists in Vim


This plugin does a great job at what it’s supposed to do, and little more. It’s sole purpose in my current config is to automatically create new list items when I manually hit <cr> in a list (in insert mode), or o when in normal mode. All other formatting and indentation of lists happens outside this plugin, and solely within the Vim defaults in my .vimrc (autoindent, comments, etc). This plugin can also renumber lists appropriately when their items or indent level changes, as well as allow me to indent and de-indent list items with <C-t>, <C-d> in insert mode, and >>,<< in normal mode. Note that this plugin also differs slightly from hitting <cr> on an empty bullet and having it de-indent by one; instead, it removes the list element and move me to a newline (like was asked). I think this behaviour is fine, as I will often want to do this instead of de-indent. Using <C-t>, <C-d> is more consistent and flexible.


  • Insert new bullet in INSERT mode: (Return key)
  • Same as in case you want to unmap in INSERT mode (compatibility depends on your terminal emulator):
  • Insert new bullet in NORMAL mode: o
  • Renumber current visual selection: gN
  • Renumber entire bullet list containing the cursor in NORMAL mode: gN
  • Toggle a checkbox in NORMAL mode: x
  • Demote a bullet (indent it, decrease bullet level, and make it a child of the previous bullet):
  • NORMAL mode: >>
  • INSERT mode:
  • VISUAL mode: >
  • Promote a bullet (unindent it and increase the bullet level):
  • NORMAL mode: <<
  • INSERT mode:
  • VISUAL mode: >