
Adding executables to path

When building a piece of software, you can usually execute from the CLI locally by running ./<executable>.

However, if you to be able to run this command from anywhere, you have a couple of options:

  1. For the user level, you can modify the path in your .bashrc with something like export PATH=/path/to/exec:$PATH. This will add the executable to the for the user.
  2. At a system level, you need to add the program to the system PATH. Here you can put the executable in usr/local/bin and will be accessible system-wide for all users.


  • With 20.04, I experienced issues getting sound to my airpods via bluetooth where there were previously no issues. Apparently switching the output device to the bluetooth headphones isn’t enough to get all audio output streams to play to that device. Seems like the best workaround for now is mentioned here, where the pavucontrol app is installed and you can control the audio stream specific output device there.

  • Also under bluetooth audio issues: was noticing slight stuttering/choppiness coming through the headphones. Found here

    avoid-resampling = yes #(Needs PA11 or higher)
    default-sample-rate = 48000

    seemed to help a little, although I’m now noticing larger but more infrequent stutters. Also some discussion here for future troubleshooting.

  • Bluetooth low volume issue: had a (hopefully temporary) audio issue with my Airpods. Even at full volume across the system, I could barely hear anything coming out of the headphones. Pretty strange; add pavucontrol to my startup apps just to make sure that’s up and running from this point onward.

Setting the default terminal

The default terminal setting can be overwritten using the following command. Setting kitty for example:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec /home/<user>/.local/kitty.app/bin/kitty